Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Friends and Family!

This year has proven to be quite packed so I'm going to update you and wish you Happy Holidays electronically.
I turned 24 on September 28th. I just preached my second sermon last Sunday, December 19th, 2004. I am currently in Grad School at Fuller Theological Seminary, where I have just completed my first quarter in a Masters in Divinty Program. I am a minister at Allen AME Church in Tacoma and an Engineer at Tacoma Power, where I celebrated my 1.5 year anniversary on December 16th, 2004! My how time flies. As you can (or will) see that I am a growing "blogger" AKA a web logger, so you can read my daily (or when I have time-ly) posts at my new site, The Jazz Spot. This blog was birthed from my need to get my thoughts out, as I have so many continually running through my head, and my desire to have my own webpage (no matter how elementary it is!)
Let's see...oh yes, so The Jazz Spot is for my personal thoughts and personal commentary. However, seeing as the world is seems not to willing to fund graduate study in Divinity, I also created The Jasmine Bridges Scholarship Fund, which will help fund my studies at Fuller. Indeed, scholarship and aid are difficult to find and obtain for relgious study so FEEL FREE TO DROP BY The Jasmine Bridges Scholarship Fund AND DONATE! All donations are more than appreciated and needed!
Ok, the thing that I may be the most proud of (aside from following God's lead of course) is that I created and am selling shirts memorializing Election 2004. This was indeed the largest election in history as 1.8 million new voters came out for the 2004 Election. This voting numbers in this election are noteworthy and we must be proud of having voted (Regardless of party or winner) ....WE MUST EXERCISE OUR RIGHT TO VOTE!!!
So I Created and am SELLING VOTED in...I VOTED!

Posted by Hello
Here is a small graphic for those of you who are interested!
Front: VOTED, Election 2004
Back: Mine Counts...

Just click on the shirt to go to a the website to purchase it, . And do please purchase one for support if nothing else (although I might add that I think they are pretty cool!)

So all is well chez moi! It's about time for another vacation; however! I've finally posted picture of my August 2003 trip to Ghana here! I shall soon posted other pics represting The Life of Jasmine!

Do stay in touch and know that I am praying for you! God is still blessing and molding me so continue to keep me in prayer. (And if you haven't been praying for me... PLEASE START ;)!

Jasmine Bridges....Jazz!

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