Monday, October 05, 2009

Fire from Frustration...Being part of the SOLUTION!!!

What do you do when you don't know what to do? What do you say when you really just don't know what to say, to whom to say it, how to say it, if anyone will listen, if anyone even cares, or if there's any sense in opening your big mouth at all. What do you do when you don't know what to do?....well I guess just do SOMETHING!!!

So that's what I'm doing. Last week I had an outburst b/c the pub and my NYC dorm was playing some seriously offensive (at least to me and hopefully to someone else if they'd heard it) music. Was it offensive b/c of the swearing? because of the sexual content? b/c it was just bad music?...Nope. It was offensive b/c for the about 10-15 seconds that it was playing in our pub I must have seriously heard the N-word that would be the word "NIGGER" at least 7 times. Is the word hard for your to read?...that is the word NIGGER? Well I hope so! Black people (let me clarify African-Americans) have been bafooned and tolerant for far too long! Don't give me that "it means something different if we say NIGG-A as opposed to NIGG-ER" crap one more time. THIS DISTINCTION IS RIDICULOUS! IT'S BOGUS...IT'S IGNORANT AND IT'S COMPLETELY MIS-INFORMED. If I called your mother a "Bi-otch" instead if a Bitch, does that really make the intent and malicious nature of the word any different? I certainly think not!

The Bible says, that "where sin abounded, grace abounded much more" precisely: "Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

So as sin surely abounds, and in the form of complete self-deprecation (read: lessoning your own value) I have to trust the Word that grace abounds much more. So first I pray for grace...for myself...because I need it!!! I can not and will not sit by and whatch nor take part in a generation of people (namely my own; ie. Black) who not only do not value themselves but also a) are actively lessening our value in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. I mean how can we hurl insults at ourselves through our music and slang and not think that this is going to negatively effect our self-perception in both the near and long term? How can we allow our children to walk around with their pants literally at their knees and think they're going to grow up taking themselves seriously or have anyone else take them seriously? won't happen. That is...I won't stand by and be an innocent bystander NOR will the being taken seriously happen if any of us allow the humiliation to continue to occur.

As Eldrigde Cleaver, a Black American author and activist said in his 1968 speech, "What we're saying today is that you're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem".....let me repeat that, "YOU'RE EITHER PART OF THE SOLUTION OR PART OF THE PROBLEM". There is no middle ground! There is no I don't have anything to say....saying or doing nothing is just as big of a statement and step in the direction of being partaker. As we've all heard and probably witnessed, if we don't say something to stop the bad joke from being propagated, then we may as well be the next in line to tell it!

So two issues come to mind 1) what's the actual problem, because maybe "it's" never been defined and 2) how do I/you (if you choose) become part of the solution?

...#1) The problem is that Black culture, and I speak from the perspective of an African-American woman, so I will say, "African-American culture as I see it is being very overtly infiltrated with demonic and negative influences that leading our youth (and adults) and even non-African Americans down a path of self-destruction, self abuse, little self value and very low morals.

I newly discovered Dr. Boyce Watkins' Blog. This is his answer to the question

"Your work can be controversial, why do you do it?":

"I ask myself that question every single day! Personally, I believe that the role of the black scholar in America is to work hard to uplift our communities. Our intellect is needed, and in addition to engaging in scholarly research that lies in dusty academic journals, we should become active in our communities and throughout the world. I believe strongly in the concept of Scholarship in Action. The thing about Scholarship in Action is that it requires the combination of intellect, creativity, curiosity, commitment, passion and courage that stands at the root of all true genius. I do not consider myself a genius, but I wake up every day thinking "I am one day closer to my last day on this earth. How can I get the best return on my investment?" That is what keeps me going. "

I will add to his "I am one day closer to my last day on this earth"... How I can I be part of the solution and not the problem, specifically is it relates to the Black/African-American Identity and success.

2) how do I/you (if you choose) become part of the solution?
...I'm not sure. But I do know choosing to not be an innocent bystander will be my first step! I pray that the Lord orders my steps. I'm not going to be afraid of offending, afraid of being too good, afraid of anything. I know that "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind!" I'm going to act like it. (2 Timothy 1:7). I also know that because my heart desires it, I will effect change. I'm determined to do so.

I challenge myself and you to 1) be a part of solution. I'm not sure what it looks like but I do know taking the first step will lead to great strides in this area.

2) speak when you see injustice or denigrating behavior. One I was walking down the street with my Mom and this kid's pants we just above his knees. My mom just looked at him and before she even started to speak he pulled his pants up...because he knew that it was completely unacceptable. And of course my mom said something, because she should have (and should not have been afraid to do so either) and I'm sure he appreciated it - because no one likes being a "hot mess". I mean it means something if someone values enough to correct and you make you be, or at least appear, to be a better person.

So I guess that's my challenge and that's what "being a part of the solution" looks like. We, as people, more than just African-Americans, can not afford to watch ourselves, or anyone for that matter self-destruct. IT'S JUST SELFISH AND FEAR LADEN. If you were going to slowly jump off a bridge wouldn't you want someone to at least care enough to stop you and tell you "Hey! You're going to contribute to society. You have a great purpose...DON'T DO THAT! AND CLEAN YOUR ACT UP!" Or maybe even, "How can I help you?" We can't be afraid to do that. It's time folks! It's time to be of service to our society and that's starts with the community that we live in and the people with whom we identify...whomever it is. For me, I'm a global citizen who has certainly had the privilege of being taught by many amazing people and learning first hand about many amazing cultures. But the population that I see hurting the most are Black I'm starting there. And my only prayer right now it, Lord, please help me to do, be and say, what exactly what you desire. In Jesus' name I (publically) pray. AMEN!!

WON'T YOU JOIN....Be A Solution!


Chrissy said...

Hey Jazz, nice to see you back on your blog :-) I agree with you. It annoys me to know end how societal groups denegrate themselves. Although I never really thought abotu how to be a part of the solution. One thing I have noticed amongst the blind community is something very fascinating. There is no race or color...just people. Without vision the lines are no longer drawn. If I do go completely blind that is one thing I look forward to. All of us just being people and not divided into race and color. Of course we are divided into blind verses the sighted, but what can I say. :-)

Then of course I'm part of another class altogether that seperates me even further...the deaf and blind. [sigh] least I'm one of the few that has a very good attitude about it [in public]. At home is another story.

I hope school is going well for you. Take care.
Love chrissy

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