Wednesday, December 08, 2004

She does it again....

Ambra Nykol does it again! Somehow my low times are always lifted with a quick peruse through her site. Her latest bit actually evoked a chuckel (look at how tired I am) ....chuckle and slight motivation to ask/tell my boss I need a few hours off...TODAY. On her latest blog "Thoughts On the Mall" she gives " a few...deep insights and observations about the mall."
This is the one that gets me:

Salespeople should be required by law to wait at least 3 nanoseconds before abruptly asking, "Are you looking for something special today?" Why yes I am Suzie. I'm looking for you to ease back just a smidge, thanks.

Too funny! I can see it in my always seems to be the "Suzies" who are all up in it...."ease back". LOL! Forget "Lean Back." My new slogan is: "Now ease back (uhh huh) ease back...ease back....EASE BACK!"

Thanks God! I asked for strength and He's hooking me up a little at a time. Ambra really is doing God's work ;)!


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