Friends and Family,
Ambra Nykol's site never ceases to amaze me with all of the seemingly underground (or maybe just underground to me) knowledge that she brings to we folk who don't read enough. So, in service, I first, direct you to her site NYKOLA.COM and second will highlight some profound knowledge ascertained just today.
1) Young Money
This site is for young people to get our money in order! Puts things in understandable terms and gives awesome strategies for becoming an individual a POSITIVE net worth.
2) Good talk on Black History Month: It's not Black History, it's history and should be included as such!
3)Erika Harold, a 23 year old Miss America from Urbana, Illinois preaching and teaching abstinence from sexual activity, drugs and alcohol.
An excerpt from Ambra:
In response to pressure to back down from one of her platforms, Harold said the following
"One of my jobs as Miss America is to be a role model to young people and to provide them with my story as an example of how they can achieve positive things in their lives. My personal commitment to abstinence from drugs, sex and alcohol in my opinion helped me to accomplish many of my goals. If I were prevented from speaking about that I think it would be very disingenuous in terms of serving as a role model."
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